In my head, that frog ride looks like it would be great for little kids, but they all start screaming in terror half way through and will be traumatized for life. Then they ride it again as teenagers and ironically laugh at their neurosis. Be very afraid. (And THANKS for reading!)
A thrilling and epic adventure awaits us all! Let the ripping yarn begin.
I am immediately adding “blazes” to my lexicon of things I will force back into common parlance.
Very classic comic feel. Like reading old Sunday comics…
Thank you! That’s exactly what I was hoping to achieve.
Although fake, it has an amazing authentique look.
(Big grin) Thank you. It took a little experimenting to find a style that looked good enough and didn’t take too long to make.
I find it inappropriate that children want to be anywhere near a clown’s mouth ;P
You’d think, but clown mouth entrances to carnivals is a thing. Even the intentionally friendly ones look creepy.
Girls. Nothing but trouble.
Now ain’t that Clown’s mouth gorgeous.
And should I be afraid of moustache frog guy?
In my head, that frog ride looks like it would be great for little kids, but they all start screaming in terror half way through and will be traumatized for life. Then they ride it again as teenagers and ironically laugh at their neurosis. Be very afraid. (And THANKS for reading!)
Mischief and an amusement park… No, nothing bad could happen here, why do you ask?
really loving the art style, very authentic to what you are going for
Thank you. In these first few pages all I see are the off-model faces. But, it’s nice to see how much this comic has improved in such a short time.