One of the funniest bits of trivia discovered while researching this book was a game called King Arthur, performed by very bored sailors in hot climates. It is described thus:

A man who is to represent King Arthur, is ridiculously dressed, having a large wig made out of oakum, or some old swabs. He is seated on the side, or over a large vessel of water, and every person in turn is ceremoniously introduced to him, and has to pour a bucket of water over him, crying out, “Hail, King Arthur!” If during the ceremony the person introduced laughs or smiles (to which his majesty endeavors to excite him by all sorts of ridiculous gesticulations), he changes places with, and then becomes King Arthur, till relieved by some brother tar who has as little command over his muscles as himself.

From A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English, 1905. Where I’ve found most of the unusual vocabulary used in the story.