UPDATE: This week’s page is running a bit behind schedule due to technical *coughWindowsUpdatecough* troubles. The next should be up by Tuesday morning. Thank you for your patience.

Comics of the week – Antro Heroes!

The Cyantian Chronicles: An adventure in finding yourself and living with it. The Cyantians are a race of uplifted creatures, created to serve a dying alien race. Abandoned on a world not their own, they’re learning to make it home.

Soul’s Journey – A cursed pendant turns a runaway prince into a wolf. Can he find a way back to his human form to stop the brewing war on the horizon before it’s too late?

Realm of Owls offers a healthy dose of OWLS. And why not have some HUMOR with your OWLS as well? (And possibly a hint of SATIRE. We don’t know how that got there, but you can have it.)